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Konditionen PHCG Futurity/ Maturity
Nachnennungen in den Futurity Klassen werden noch bis 2 Tage vor Prüfungsbeginn gegen Startgeld und Nachnenngebühr von 50,00 Euro angenommen.
With the highest prize money of the last 5 years, the Futurity and Maturity classes will start this year at the Euro Paint. As of July 31, 72 entries have been received in the show office for the various classes. Every APHA registered Paint Horse is eligible for the Futurity and Maturity classes, provided that the owner and exhibitor is a member of the PHCG and that the sire was registered in the PHCG Futurity and Maturity program in the year before his birth. Furthermore the animals must be born in Europe.
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Konditionen PHCG Futurity/ Maturity
Late entries in the Futurity classes will be accepted until 2 days before the start of the competition against entry fee and late entry fee of 50,00 Euro.